ESOL courses in Oldham
A guide to ESOL courses in Oldham
To join ESOL courses in Oldham, you need to do an assessment with the Oldham ESOL Advice Service.
Watch this video to find out more about an assessment for an ESOL course and then have a look below at the places where you can learn English in Oldham.
Oldham Lifelong Learning Service
Tel:Â 0161 770 5187Â (ESOL)
Freephone:Â 0800 525 956
We are an Adult Education provider (19 years and older) and offer English as a Second Language to residents across the borough in order to help learners to improve their English language.
Our provision is based across three main centres :
- Coldhurst Lifelong Learning Centre, Rochdale Road, Oldham, OL1 2HR
- Oldham Lifelong Learning Centre, Greaves Street, Oldham, OL1 1AL
- Werneth Park Lifelong Learning Centre, Frederick Street, Werneth, Oldham, OL8 1RB
- We also work in partnership with other organisations to deliver provision across Oldham
Oldham Lifelong Learning Service offer a range of vocational and non-vocational provision at Pre Entry, Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3 and Level 1. Learners can work towards the Ascentis Award in ESOL Speaking & Listening, Award in ESOL Reading and Award in ESOL Writing across the academic year. Courses are either one or two classes per week.
Job Centre Plus learners can be referred for an initial assessment via their work coach by contacting Margaret Manning on 0161 770 1531. Courses are four mornings or four afternoons per week. The provision is offered to Pre Entry, Entry 1 and Entry 2 learners who are actively looking for work.
Find out more about ESOL courses at Oldham Lifelong Learning Service

Oldham College
Rochdale Road
Oldham, OL9 6AA
We focus on speaking, listening, reading and writing skills and also work on grammar, spelling and pronunciation. In addition we run specific courses at Level 1, combining ESOL with Hair and Beauty, Health and Social Care and Construction.
We also offer an Introduction to Asylum Seekers as a part-time course.ESOL courses are delivered during the day and evening at various times. We also offer specific courses in maths for ESOL learners.