Learn English at Home

Online Courses
BBC Learning English has different sessions to help you practise your English.
Here are some courses from Future Learn. You need to pay for the courses, but you can view the course materials for free.
Entry 2 Topic Work
New Internationalist Learn English Wiki provides reading activities, where you can also practise your grammar and vocabulary:

ESOL Courses has some activities to help you prepare for Functional Skills reading exam:
Understanding job descriptions
Read these news articles from News in Levels and watch the videos:
There are lots of different reading activies on British Council Learn English:

There are lots of activities to practise your writing on British Council Learn English:
Have a look at these grammar activities from BBC Learning English:
Present simple and present continuous
British Council Learn English has a variety of grammar activities to try:
Adjectives ending in -ed and -ing
Here are some activities from English File:

Look at these resources from ESOL courses to develop your vocabulary for looking for a job:
Job search vocabulary wordsearch activity
Vocabulary for talking about Covid-19
Try these online activities from British Council Learn English:
Games to Learn English has different activities to develop your vocabulary: